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A layman's views on the Bible

Thursday, July 2, 2009

What to do when trouble comes

What do most of us do when trouble comes? Complain, right? We do not like our own little world to be disrupted. Both James and Paul went to the school of Jesus Whom according to Hebrews 12:2 looked forward to the greatest trouble a man, any man could ever face, and that would be crucifixion on a cross, and He looked forward to it anticipating the joy that awaited Him. I'm sure that's what prompted Paul to say in his writing to the church in Thessolinica to "rejoice evermore and "in everything give thanks".....everything, he says. Read it for yourself in 1 Thessalonians 5:16,18. Also ch.1 verses 2&3 from James. "Count it all joy" In other words...worship God when trouble comes. Paul says "rejoice, and again I say rejoice" and in another place he encourages us to rejoice evermore...There is never a reason why we cannot rejoice. Easy to say but not so easy to do...we don't rejoice because we have trouble but we do so in spite of the trouble. A Christian should have the joy of the Lord; Romans 14:17 says "For the kingdom of Heaven is not food and drink, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit." (NRSV) IT IS NOT EASY BUT WE NEED TO PRACTICE JOY AND APPROPRIATE IT THROUGH FAITH,


LookingUp said...

Great encouragement. We run from trouble but Jesus faced it with joy. All the way through the reading, I kept thinking, “easier to say than do”. But you said that yourself near the end.
After finishing the reading, I thought of the scripture in Neh. 8:10, “. . . for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” I am thinking that maybe it works like faith – if I exercise (choose) joy when I face small troubles, that I will experience joy when the big troubles come. What do you think?

Randall said...

Once again I am violating protocol maybe? I am commenting on my own blog.
However LookingUp has asked a question and I want all to read my answer. The question asked IS "WHAT DO YOU THINK?" I think she is absolutely correct and I agree with her comment 100%