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A layman's views on the Bible

Wednesday, July 1, 2009



As sparks fly upward: JOB’s comforter, Eliphaz the Temanite said “ human beings are born to trouble as sparks fly upward. Have you ever watched a campfire?
If you have then you know that old Eliphaz was right…the sparks do fly upward, and there is a principle of physics for the reason that they do, but I shall not go there at this time. Suffice it to say that it is one of those God given laws of physics. What he is saying, Eliphaz that is, is that just as sure and just as certain as sparks flying upward, trouble comes to all of mankind. I think he is right in his statement but Eliphaz was wrong in attitude. Everything that Job’s comforters said was not always right just because it is in the Bible doesn’t mean that it was Gods Words. All to many times we say God said such and such, but it was Eliphaz in this case, not God. That is why it is so important to read the entire context. Especially the surrounding verses.
The problem with Eliphaz was firstly he had no compassion for Job’s plight, it was an I told you so attitude and the last thing that old Job needed at that particular juncture in his life was for some self righteous character who was supposed to be one of his best friends to tell him how wicked he had been and that he needed to repent because he deserved everything that he was getting. Maybe we are all born to have trouble but the good thing about it is that trouble comes to pass, it doesn’t come to stay and especially if you are a child of God you can claim the promises of God which includes this verse found in 1 Peter 5:7 which states“ Cast all your care on Him, that’s the King James Version , in the NRSV “Cast all your anxiety on Him, because H e cares for you.” Trouble may come…..but we have a God who cares and He will carry the burden if you will put all of your confidence in Him. The old hymn writer put it thusly “O,yes He cares, I know He cares, His heart is touched by my grief, When the days are weary, the long night’s dreary I know my Savior cares. I am glad that we have a Savior who cares.

1 comment:

C.M. said...

Hi Randall,
We all know that trouble is going to come into our life,but it is how we handle it that is so important.Do we let it drag us down
into the pit or do we stand on God's promises.
Trouble comes,sometimes it is of our own making and sometimes it is because of something that you have no control over.
No matter why it is there the first thing we have to do is bring it to God.Praying brings God's peace and then we can see the trouble as something that together with God we can over come.
We all need to let God be our guide because sometimes well meaning friends and family can get us in deeper and make it harder to over come. Thankfully God waits for us to ask Him and then He can start working on our troubles and show us how to make things better.
