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A layman's views on the Bible

Monday, April 13, 2009

Confirmation:Jesus is God

I'm not much on naming doctrines, i.e. trinity, oneness....I am not much on theology, I just take the Word of God at face value. Mind you I have my own convictions on the Godhead,I just am not arguing it. Suffice it to say that I believe without an inkling of doubt in my heart, that Jesus is God who became a man. He is God.Therefore when I read something about what He said in the Bible, I realize that He was speaking sometimes as man and sometimes as God. And when John said in John ch.1 verse 14,"And we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth" he was concluding a statement that started out with this "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us,He was referring to a Man who was the express image of the Father, he was talking about a man who was also God.
You will note that I started this blog series on April 7/09 and added another post on the 9th.
Both with the same theme; "Who is Jesus?" Ironically or not, it was in the Tuesday night prayer meeting that same April 9, that our young assistant pastor in our church, not knowing that I had on that very same day posted my blog spoke on this same subject, that is that Jesus is God. Is, was and ever shall be God. Then yesterday morning our lead pastor spoke again on this same subject..."who is Jesus?" Neither of them had read my two blogs, at least I am not aware of it.
I do not pretend to be nearly as learned as they but I do take this as confirmation hat I am giving you what God would have me give at this particular moment in time...Jesus is truly, totally God and I worship Him today.

1 comment:

C.M. said...

Hi again
I have too say that I agree with you 100%.Jesus is God!!!
As you can tell from other comments that I posted I am no bible scholar. I just take everything that God said to us in the bible without any doubt.Why would God lie,how could He lie?
He is the Word and the Word is Truth,therefor the bible is the truth.
Jesus became man to die for us,but He was and still is God.
My heart aches for anyone who does not know this truth about Jesus.
Thank you Randall for writing the truth as God wants you to do.You maybe reaching people who never heard it before,or people who does not know the truth of Jesus.