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A layman's views on the Bible

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A man of God:a series on truth.

1 Chronicles 4:10 states a fact..."Jabez was more honorable than his brethren." Starting with the previous blog re- jelly beans I hope to do a series on truth and I've made this statement before that truth is a person and that person is the Lord Jesus Christ. You can only know real truth when you know Him. But on to today's blog with this truth about Jabez. The text says he was honorable. That is my prayer Lord make me an honorable human being...make me a man of God honorable man of God. Forgive me of all my sins, cleanse me,renew in me a contrite spirit, make me pure in heart. That is my desire today; it was said of David that he was a man after God's own heart; Moses was the meekest man on earth and he spoke with God as a man speaks to his friend, he knew God's ways, the children of Israel knew His acts but Moses knew His ways; Abraham was a friend of God who believed God and it was accounted unto him for righteousness.
RIGHTEOUSNESS, right standing with God: you don't earn can't work for it by performing righteous acts, keeping the Law ...none of those things, and yet the righteous man of God will do righteous things. Lord make me a man of God today, I pray. What about you?
Will you be a righteous person today?


Anonymous said...

Good day Randall
I enjoy reading about Jabez.
In just afew lines he said it all.
His prayer tells us all what our prayer should be each day.
Jabez asked God not only to bless him but" to bless him indeed" or give him an extra blessing.
He asked to have his territory enlarged.
Than he asked God to keep His hand on him and to keep him from evil.
Now when we look at this prayer we might think that Jabez was just asking for himself but no ,he was looking to do more for God.
Jabez was asking God to use him and to give him more territory or more people to reach,to guide
his hand as to what he was to do
and to keep him from evil so he would not cause pain to anyone.
He was indeed a righteous person.
Now if we all start praying Jebez prayer each day think of how much we will get done for the kingdom
of God.
If as we go about our day we ask God to give us someone to talk to about Him, or to stay our tongue when it is about to run off and cause evil, or to stop us before we hurt someone,then we will start
to be righteous people too.
David,Moses and Abraham were all righteous men but they all had to
work at it just like we do.The only
thing that stops us from beening righteous today is us.

Anonymous said...

Good day Randall
I enjoy reading about Jabez.
In just afew lines he said it all.
His prayer tells us all what our prayer should be each day.
Jabez asked God not only to bless him but" to bless him indeed" or give him an extra blessing.
He asked to have his territory enlarged.
Than he asked God to keep His hand on him and to keep him from evil.
Now when we look at this prayer we might think that Jabez was just asking for himself but no ,he was looking to do more for God.
Jabez was asking God to use him and to give him more territory or more people to reach,to guide
his hand as to what he was to do
and to keep him from evil so he would not cause pain to anyone.
He was indeed a righteous person.
Now if we all start praying Jebez prayer each day think of how much we will get done for the kingdom
of God.
If as we go about our day we ask God to give us someone to talk to about Him, or to stay our tongue when it is about to run off and cause evil, or to stop us before we hurt someone,then we will start
to be righteous people too.
David,Moses and Abraham were all righteous men but they all had to
work at it just like we do.The only
thing that stops us from beening righteous today is us.

Anonymous said...

I went to the dictionary to find out what was ment by
[ righteousness ]now I am realy confused,so went to the " bible "
[ Dictionary-Concordance ]it list Scriptures as references,but each of these scriptures list scriptures and on and on so RANDALL I have a question for you this your way of getting us BLOG readers to also read the BIBLE? works
I think "RIGHTEOUSNESS " means GOD or GOD like + we best all pray to be a "RIGHTEOUS PERSON