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A layman's views on the Bible

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

This is the Truth

I think I have done a series in moreaboutHisWord on the truth. Truth is so shaded in this society today that it is very, very difficult to see it when it is present. Just look at the American election that recently took place and the Canadian also. It is more difficult than ever before to believe some of the promises that they make and to tell the difference between the candidates. However there is One who is Himself the Truth.

Jesus said in John 8:58, "Most assuredly I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM. Jehovah God said to Moses in Ex. 3:14 "Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, I AM has sent me to you."

vs. 15 "Moreover God said to Moses, "Thus you shall say to the children of Israel; the LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob has sent me to you. This is my name forever, and this is my memorial to all generations."
The great I AM...THE NAME OF GOD. And Jesus Christ, Son of the living God had the audacity, the nerve even the unmitigated gall to infer even to say that He was the great I AM. Of course I am being facetious here for it was not audacity nor nerve neither was it gall for Him to say that because He is, He was and He ever shall be God I AM means that He will always be, He is in a constant state of being; eternally. It implies an eternal Being. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is the great I AM. The great I AM came down to this earth to save us. He came as a man wrapped in human flesh. The Word was God who became flesh and He dwelt among us is the Bible account. Why then the great debate over Who Jesus really is?
Pilate asked the question, "what is truth?"and he was asking the very personification of truth, Jesus of Nazareth Whom he was about to order His execution, but he was blind to the fact that
God was standing before him. Truth incarnate God. The great I AM is with us. Emmanuel!


Anonymous said...

The Great I Am...or Jesus Christ
It is not in the name we call him
it is knowing who He is, and that He is and always will be the truth.
Thank you Randall for giving us
the word and reminding us that we have the truth and it is up to us to share it everyone we can.

Lets take this year and start telling people the real truth of Christmas.It is not about who gets the most or who spends more on gifts.
The real gift is that God
gave His Son to us.
Remember this year to keep Christ
in Christmas.
Merry Christmas to everyone.


Anonymous said...

C.M has said it all. Thanks So Much Randall

Remember the REASON for the SEASON!!!!

Anonymous said...

Want to hide something....put it out in the open [ most people won't see it ]thats exactly what we do with the truth.
We elect these turn the world up-side down,and they do....but,thats not what we need...we need it right-side up,they can't fix things and even if they could,we would have an election to get them out before they did [and thats the truth ]we need leaders sent by GOD to run our country [our Nations ]not picked by just don't work .....can we see this....NO ....because its the truth,and we don't like the TRUTH do we [it hurts ]its the same in our lives....we try to fix things [real things of importance ]we can' lets leave all the fixing up to the one who can fix everything or anything.....WE NEED TO PRAY that the people see the TRUTH before it is too late....I fear it is getting people of GOD ,let us pray.
