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A layman's views on the Bible

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Disparity means by definition the condition or fact of being unequal. While Judy and I were travelling in a particular country in North Africa recently, we discovered what that word really means. We saw just how unequal this world can be. We live in Canada, the best country in the world in our opinion and rather than gloat about it as some nations do, we are grateful to be Canadians.....we were born and raised here. Canada is the second largest country in size in the world, second only to Russia. With only 33.5 million people or so, we have a lot of space left. The particular country that we were travelling in has approximately the same population figures as does Canada in fact we are 36 and they are 37th in the world as far as population goes, but in land massCanada is #2 and the country we visited is #57 in size. We have almost 10 million square kilometres; the country in question has only 446,550 square km's which makes our country over 22 times larger. Now that is disparity. Canada is rich in natural resources as well and compared to other countries we are rich beyond measure. But the real disparity between our two countries is not so much a physical thing but it is rather a spiritual cannot preach the gospel of Jesus Christ in that land. Christians, you had better be thankful and diligent concerning our freedom and we had best take advantage of every opportunity that we have to proclaim the good might not always be this way. In contrast to the laws of that totally Islamic nation however, they are free to practice their religion in my country. They can pray anywhere they want to without fear of arrest or harassment of any kind. Again an example of disparity. An example from the Bible comes to mind and while I will not take time to quote the scripture verses, it is the story or parable if you will concerning the ten virgins...five of them were wise and five were foolish. The five wise had kept themselves prepared for the coming arrival of their heavenly bridegroom but the foolish ones had not. Take notice that they were all virgins which speaks of purity, however the foolish ones were not prepared...they had let their lamps run out of oil. Are we in tune with our heavenly bridegroom? Are we in a constant attitude of prayer? Jesus said "men ought always to pray and noy faint. Perhaps we too need someone to talk to about spiritual things, perhaps we need to increase our time spent with our bridegroom so that when the cry comes "go ye out to meet Him...there will not be any disparity.


Anonymous said...

Disparity:The dictionary also says # 2...the degree of difference,
some of these differences you have pointed out,but when we start to pick things apart as we do,we should see things that should bother us and make us think a lot different than we do such as ....they pray daily,they worship their god,no matter where they are we.....why not,do we just go to GOD when we want something,have Christians become nothing more than beggars...we seem to have forgotten that
" GOD " put us here to honour HIM not just ask of HIM....stop and ask GOD ....what can I do for you LORD.Iam here,when this happens then we will see real disparity.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back Randall
We have missed the blogs, but even the blogmaster needs time off haha.
Reading this blog and hearing of the time you spent in a Muslim country has sure got me thinking.
First of all I don't think you and your wife Judy had much of that time off that I was talking about.

I have been thinking about the little I know about Muslims and their way of life.
The one thing that does stand out is their prayer life.
They are faithful to their god,they prayer all the time.

How do we as Christians stand?
Are we faithful to praying to our true God?
Will we stand up for our God even if it would mean our life?
It is sad that we as Christians
have the Savior Jesus Christ
and don't spend time with him on a daily bases in prayer,sure we know were to go when we need something but when was the last time you just spent time telling Jesus how much you love Him.
I don't know how many of us are ready if Jesus comes today,but I do know that there are alot of us that needs to do more to get ready now.Jesus is coming soon.

The big difference that I see is that the Muslims spend alot of time getting ready and we Christians who have the true God don't.Take time to talk to God today and get to know Him better.
