I've said that the Laver was a place of separation and cleansing; God used this Laver to improve the standing of the priests before they came to minister before the Altar and before their fellowshipping at the Table of Shewbread in the glorious light of the golden Candlestick.
They washed wholly once but there was a need for daily cleansing where they washed only their hands and feet. If I am to be used of God in ministry, and this is ministry whether I feel like it or not, I have to come to this basin of mirrors and examine myself and I have done that numerous times and on numerous occasions I have had to repent from my heart because there has been a defilement in my life. I have repented again today and I have washed in the basin of the Water of His Word.
Sometimes people bring their own mirrors and they fix themselves up so that they can be seen as they want to be seen rather than look in God's mirror that reveals what they really look like.
Looking at the words of Paul as he writes to young Timothy, "In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, not with braided hair, or gold or pearls or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works. 1 Tim 2:9,10
Peter writes in the same vein in reference to a wife who is married to an unsaved husband in 1 Peter 3:1-6. This truth may use women for illustration purposes but it applies to men also.
Before we can come for daily cleansing to the Laver, we must first stop at the Altar of burnt sacrifices and identify with the sacrifice; we must first be cleansed and sanctified at Calvary before we can wash in the Laver...when we have been forgiven and cleansed at the cross then we
are accepted in the beloved and then we become part of that nation of kings and priests and only then are we permitted access to wash at the Laver, The Laver was only for the priests to use. An Israelite who was not a priest could not go further than the Altar of Sacrifice. As born again Christians we are members of the priesthood, separated unto God. 1 Peter 2:9,10.
We are a special people...can you imagine? You and I, wretched sinners that we are, becoming worthy, made worthy by His blood so that we are now special in His sight? We have been commissioned to proclaim this glorious gospel, that is to proclaim His praises. The praises of Him who has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. to be continued...
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