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A layman's views on the Bible

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Firte and Wood, continued

I said in my last lesson that fire needs fuel to burn...wood heat is just about the best heat for warming you on a cold winter's day, don't you agree? I have learned over time a little bit about burning wood. We have a wood stove at home and it is a great source of comfort. But it costs like everytihng's not cheap.When I light a fire in our stove I usually have a little paper or something that will ignite easily, then some kindling wood on top of the paper. Next a piece of hardwood that has been split. So then I strike the match and hold it under the paper.

(Wood speaks of humanity we have discovered in our Bible Study).

With a proper draft, a good airflow, the paper catches fire and we have the fire started...away she goes. The kindling ignites and it in turn sets the hardwood on fire.You are now experiencing the benefits of a wood fire because it is almost instant heat. But what happens once the kindling is all burnt up and all that is left burning is that one lone hardwood stick? I have found that it won'ty burn very long by itself. You have to have other logs to burn with it. Are you getting the picture? Another thing acbout burning wood is that it requires have to tend it. Every once in a while you have to reach in there with a poker and stir it up....if you don't it will go out with maybe only a part of the wood burnt. What a tragedy when one comes to the altar and gets saved but does not allow a complete work of the Spirit to be accomplished in his or her life. A brother said something to me the other day -he said stir it up...let it burn from the bottom up...of course it always burns from the bottom up. Can you not feel it burning way down deep inside? When the wind of the Holy Ghost blows over your soul it makes the fire gotta have a draft. It is an all consuming fire...all is left is a little ashes. The fire will burn up the dross and the chaff if we will let it burn.

I said that one lone stick won't burn very long. Iread a story of a brother who decided he wasn't going to church any longer, so he stayed home. For one reason or another; usually when that happens you don't remember what the rfeason was after a short while. So the Pastor paid him a visit. The man was burning wood on the fireplace and the Pastor just sat there for awhile saying nothing. After a few minutes he arose from his chair and went over to the fireplace and taking the tongs he picked up a burning log and placed it all alone by itself away from the other logs. Soon that burning log began to stop burning. After awhile the Pastor took the tongs again and placed the log back where it had been next to the other logs. Quickly it burst into flames as it was doing before. As the Pastor got ready to leave, the parishoner thanked him for the object lesson and assured the Pastor that he would be in church from now on. We need fellowship with God's peop;e.

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