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A layman's views on the Bible

Monday, August 8, 2011

Those near miss accidents or is it the hand of GOD?

II’m not sure whether this is the proper terminology or not: near-miss accidents. However aq couple of weeks ago, my attention turned to a news clip regarding an industrial accident in our neighboring province of Nova Scotia. It seems there were two men working off a scaffold when it gave way beneath them and they fell to the ground or at least the next level. Total falling distance was 1.5 meters, not that far really
Sadly though one man died in hospital that same day. It made me go back in time and recall a similar situation that involved my Dad and myself and three other men working off a wooden scaffold in a pulp and paper mill in what was then the city of Lancaster in New Brunswick Canada. That was in a time when job safety was not much of a priority, the scaffold was not too well built as well we overloaded it, five of us on it at the same time. There was no warning, a sudden snap and down it went two floors down, there being a large hole in the floor where we had been working. Three men went with it as well as the staging. One of these men suffered severe head injuries but he survived. Miraculously, my Dad was standing on a piece of plywood that was a part of the staging/scaffolding, and it caused him to gently slide on it to the surface of the first floor, the one with the hole. He thus landed safely and on his feet. As for myself, upon the hearing of the snap, immediately my hands shot upward over my head to some ¾” conduit piping that we had just previously installed. It was an immediate response and felt as if my hands were lifted by someone other than myself or all those standing around me. I believe now and reflecting back, I know it was the hand of the lord, I could tell of many more near-misses like the time a 600 volt double-ended substation blew up in my fac, a slip of the screwdriver, my fault. But again I survived with minor injuries, suffice it to say that oncagain God intervened and spared my life, not because of any goodness in me but only through His grace and His mercy am I alive today.Several years later., I was reading in the Bible and I was reading from the book of 1st. Chronicles chapter 4 which is heavy into genealogy, not the most exciting book in the Bible, but suddenly, as suddenly as that snap I heard when the scaffold collapsed, I saw these two verses And it was as if they were written just for me. Verses 9&10 : “And Jabez was more honorable than his brothers, and his mother called his name Jabez, which literally means, “he will cause pain”. Now Jabez could have allowed that name to get him down and blame his troubles on his mother or his brothers. Instead he chose to call on the God of Israel and he prayed this prayer, “Oh that you would bless me indeed and enlarge my territory, that your hand would be with me and that you would keep me from evil that it may not grieve me.” The Bible says that God granted him what he requested. It made me to realize that God has had His hand on my life and also that it’s alright to ask God for His blessing. This is not one of those prosperity doctrines that are so prevalent today, it is simply receiving from God’s hand the provision He has made for us. The bible says, “in every thing give thanks.” That is my intention, to thank Him in everything. Another scripture passage that I memorized as a child going to a Baptist Sunday School is found in Proverbs 4:5,6 states it thusly, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path." I am living proof of this advice

1 comment:

C.M. said...

Hi Randall

Jabez,I love that verse,you showed it to us one night afew years ago.

I wonder what it would be like if we all asked God to enlarge our know ask God to give us more people to tell about Jesus. Most of us cant or dont talk to the people we know now.

And what would life be like if we ask God to help us stop doing evil,(sin)and when we do it will grieve our own hearts.

I think this is a prayer that I want to start my day off with...

Thanks Ran for reminding me again about Jabez.
