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A layman's views on the Bible

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The first rapture?: a series on truth

Genesis 5:24 from the NRSV says, "Enoch walked with God;then he was no more, because God took him." What a testimony! The book of Hebrews identifies him as one of the great heroes of faith. In ch. 11 verse 5 it says (KJV)"By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death, and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God." One man caused a great stir back in the book of Genesis so much so that search parties were sent out to look for him, but to no avail. HE DISAPPEARED WITHOUT A TRACE....the Bible says because God took him.
I can just imagine the headlines in our morning paper if it were happening in our day..."Prophet disappears without a trace." Followers say that God translated him to heaven because he lived a Godly life." If it were today...I'm dreaming, am I not? Yet there will come a day when hundreds of thousands will disappear, yes perhaps millions. Even the graves of the Godly will open. Can you imagine the search parties the world over? You say "you are hallucinating old've lost it." Am I? He is coming for those who please Him and that requires in the finished work of Calvary. There is a true story in the book of Matthew ch. 25 vs. 1-13 about some ten virgins, five wise and five foolish. Some, the wise were anticipating the bridegroom's coming. They were ready. The others had been careless in their living. They weren't ready. So much so that Jesus said "I know you not." Some day the church will disappear without a trace. And the only way you can be included is like Enoch of old, who by the way really was a prophet, Jude verse 14, you must please God and that means to be washed in the blood that was spilt for all men at Calvary.It requires faith that is up to date. Jesus said "Watch" "Keep awake therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour."WHAT SHALL WE SAY AND WHAT SHALL WE DO?


Anonymous said...

God picks the time and place,will you be there,are you ready.

Anonymous said...

Hi Randall
As I have been reading your last 3 blogs,I have been wondering how
many people out there are like me.
As Christians we are looking forward to the coming of Jesus
but I am worried about my loved ones who as yet have not accepted Him. I say to them perhaps today
is the day, and they say maybe tomorrow,or when I get older.
How can I make them see that there may be no tomorrow,they may not get any older?
Today there are so many living on the edge,in church on Sunday's but
in the world the rest of the week.
Like the 5 foolish virgins they are careless in their living.
I think that if we are here on the day the the Lords returns we will be surprise at who is left.
I am talking about myself here too.Every day we have to choice
how we will live this day,will I get careless, or will I keep on the right path.Will I look to God,or to the world for how I will live today.What choice I make will not only have consequences in my life, but on my loved one too.
They are watching to see how I act or react to life.Sometimes the best
witness is not what you say but what you do.
As we are waiting for the coming of our Lord let's not just sit back and say come and get me Lord, I'm ready but let's try to help others get ready too.
We all can't be great writers like our blog master here,or great speakers like our pastors,but we can all try to show people God's love.Kind words,a helping hand or a visit to someone who cant get out,these are ways we all can help.
Getting ready is not all about yourself,yes we have to know that we are ready, but as long as we are here,we are to help others to get to know who Jesus is,and what He did for all of us.
What shall I say,what shall I do?
This is how we get ready,live each day as if Jesus is coming and treat each day as if it is your last.Do or say only what you will want people to remember.I know we can't do any of this on our own,but we can ask God each day to help us live like this,and when we fail ask Him to forgive us and help us get back on track.
