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A layman's views on the Bible

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Part two, lesson three:the manna from heaven

The manna from heaven was a guaranteed portion. God never failed and I think so many times we worry and fret that we are going to run out but God provided for the children of Israel every day…how much more will He provide for His blood washed and redeemed?
The manna was white speaking of the purity of Christ.
It was like our frost which we will see any morning now and if you did not appropriate it immediately it would disappear and sometimes that is why we miss out on God’s provision because we put off appropriating the promises until it is too late.
It tasted like fresh oil and isn’t that just like Jesus when He comes with that fresh anointing to lift us above the cares of life that burden us down?
It was sweet like honey and He is that honey in the rock that we sing about tonight.
It looked like a white pearl and Jesus is that pearl of great price.
It was there every morning at their doorstep; this too is just like Christ, He is there all the time, just when we need Him.
The old hymn says “Jesus is near to comfort and cheer, just when I need Him most.”
The provision is fresh daily; we don’t have to live on past experience, wonderful though that may have been. We can fill our cup new every day. That doesn’t mean that we should forget the past and what God has done for us, in fact He tells us to do so. In Deut. 8:2, 3 “Remember the long way that the LORD your God has led you these forty years in the wilderness, in order to humble you, testing you to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep His commandments. NRSV. We need to remember what we came out of, some of us more than others. The old song declares “I’m never going back again.” Remember the pit from whence you were digged, the Bible says.
Pg. 6 Do not get caught living a compromising life, one where you compromise your testimony- and this is for each and every one of us no matter how long you or I have been serving the Lord.
The provision was there every day and it was always fresh. If they left it until the next morning, it bred worms and stunk. And when the sun came up it melted (that which they had not gathered) I thought about this for awhile and prayed for more insight. If we try to keep it to ourselves and I am speaking about this gospel message and we don’t share it with others and we think we are the only ones with truth; we try some way to horde it perhaps, then that work within us will die. If we don’t gather when the Spirit is moving us then it will disappear
The old hymn writer said “work for the night is coming when man’s work is done” We just may have another opportunity to experience another outpouring of the Spirit of God…let’s not squander it. Look again in that chapter here in Ex.16 and we’ll read from verse 13 down through verse 35. Sad to say, many in our churches today when they see the Spirit of God moving in our midst also ask that question…what is it? THEY HAVE NEVER SEEN what we have seen. Have we failed to pass the torch?
The only time they could gather more than one day’s supply was on the sixth day so the provision would be there for the Sabbath. It did not go bad on that day. Here God was establishing the day of rest and we won’t go there now. Again there is a balance in our walk with God as we saw in the staves for the Ark. The manna was for all ages, just as it is today. It could be baked, boiled, ground or beaten; new converts can drink it like milk, It can be boiled down for new growing converts, it could be beaten or ground for the toothless aged, or it could be baked for those who want solid food. Amen! The question is asked…has the theologian ever exhausted its marvelous truth? Has the babe gone away empty because it could not eat? He supplies every need and there is always enough. It was stored in the Ark in a golden pot. Here again we see Jesus typified by the gold as well as that bread from heaven, the manna. He is the bread from heaven, is He not? Read John 6:32-35 and also verse 41. Next read verses 48-58 of John 6. He that eats this bread shall live forever! Praise God!

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