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A layman's views on the Bible

Monday, December 20, 2010

Much prayer, fervent prayer or the prayer of faith

If you have followed my blog posts, this one “Godspattern” or “moreaboutHisWord”, then you will know and understand that I am a firm believer in prayer. In fact , I think that somewhere in the distant past I did submit one or more posts concerning importunate prayer, or persistent praying. Memory has a way of distorting things sometimes. Of course I could look it up in the archives. To illustrate my blog point, my topic for today, I would like to tell you of a couple of situations that are very close to my heart. The first one took place several months ago now. Our organization felt led approximately five years ago, to take on a couple with two teenage children as missionaries to Mindanao in the Philippines. A few months ago, perhaps it was six months , Gwen was stricken with a terrible fever and also her daughter Erica. As I understand it the fever was very similar to dengue fever, in fact it may well have been that horrid disease. None the less it would and did require a miracle. I Had heard about Gwen’s condition through an e-mail, probably her husband Dale sent it, not sure now. However we were aware of the need and one evening a few nights later I felt a sudden impression to call her and pray for her, which we did agreeing together as the Bible instructs us to. After we exchanged pleasantry’s and hung up the phone. within the half hour she called to say the fever has gone and I feel much better as well as her daughter, Erica. God healed them both in a moment of time! To God be all the glory! NOTE TO Gwen You may verify this if you will…
We didn’t pray long nor did we lay hands on the sick, we did not offer much prayers, although others may have, we did not pray importunate prayers, it was just obeying God’s Word…the prayer of faith shall save the sick. Sometimes we labour in prayer, the Bible commends it, but sometimes we do not but if our prayer is the prayer of faith, God will heal, all it takes is one prayer of faith.
The second instance that I alluded to in my opening remarks happens to be a good friend as well and he happens to be a pastor in Montreal, he has been diagnosed with a terminal disease. The other night we agreed in prayer for his healing. There are many people doing much praying for him and whether by many or few, the prayer of faith will save the sick and the Lord will raise him up and out of his sickness . Unto Him we give praise and thanksgiving today..(Scripture reference is in James chapter five)


Anonymous said...

We know that God answers prayer. Thank you for the testimonials of His answers. We know He answers -- we don't hear enough testimonials of His great power. How encouraging they are to all of us.

Thank you for your continued sharing.


Anonymous said...

I'm very late in replying to this blog bro.Randall. I just read it tonight. I was so happy to read this blog concerning that healing for me and Erica. We were in such great need for a healing. At first, i was worse than Erica.We couldn't even lay down because the pain would cut off our breathing. I sat in a chair with my head on the wall for days/nights. I went to the hospital and they didn't help me, they just wanted to put me in. Even my pulse was racing. Instead, I went home and spend the next 2 nights in the chair again....until the miracle!! Praise God!! And thanks again for your obedience by calling and praying for us Bro. Randall. God bless you!! Gwen