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A layman's views on the Bible

Thursday, May 20, 2010

A Divine impulse or urging

Philip was a disciple of the Lord and was also appointed as a deacon along with Stephen and five others. But these two I named , Stephen and Philip were not content to just stand around and serve tables to a bunch of widows. They had a Divine impulse, a Divine urging, there was a fire burning in their souls. It was the call of God to bear witness to the gospel, the Word of truth.
The call got Stephen in a lot of trouble....he lost his life for preaching the truth. Philip on the other hand was called to go preach a campaign in Samaria. Now one would think Philip would have waited awhile but if you read Acts 8:1-8 you will see that the persecution that Saul(later he was renamed Paul)was mounting against the church only causedc men like Philip to scatter and as they did they were spreading the good news of Jesus Christ everywhere. Philip went down to the city of Samaria and the result was, many got saved and healed and there was great joy in that city. The other day I felt an urging of the Holy Ghost to do something and to call certain persons and we have made plans for the near future, plans for the work of the Lord. And my urgings were confirmed by others. So if you have a relationshiop with the Lord and you know when it is He that is urging you to do a certain thing, then be like Philip and obey the leading of the Spirit. You will be glad you did.


Anonymous said...

This is what the people need, to trust in the leading of the Spirit.
To not look at our own shortcomings but to put our faith in God and to full know that where He guides he'll provide.


MoreOfU said...

I know too well about what you are saying. It is hard sometimes to trust God.....but, if you just keep on believing, then it gets easier. God has our best interest at heart. Always!