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A layman's views on the Bible

Friday, March 5, 2010

Lavish grace of God

This is a blessing bestowed upon my wife and I by our missionary friends in Rhode Island,"we are praying daily for God to bless you with His lavish grace." I don't think I ever heard it put that way before and it went to the very innermost resources of my soul and got down into my spirit. And I receive it in JESUS NAME. It fascinated my thinking so I went to the dictionary to see if I understood the meaning of "lavish" correctly.LAvish: to expend or give in great amounts or without limit; i.e. to lavish gifts on a person. Now I know grace is the unmerited favour of God and I know He has enough grace to cover all my sins, but this lavish grace seems to take it to a newer greater dimension for my thinking than ever before. He has given us of His lavish grace, grace without limits.....thank you Dr. and Sister Kutty for this blessing.

So you think that God cannot forgive your sins, that you have gone too far.....He has grace greater than all your sins. Accept Him today and you will experience grace without limits.


Kuttys said...

Dear Bro. Randall,
Your are welcome! May the Lord bless you as you enjoy and pass on the knowledge of The Lavish Grace of God.

On our way to the Mission Field, Hope For Asia Bible College, Kerala, India.

Value your prayers.

Kuttys, Rhode Island

Coffee said...

great words from 2 great men of God
God bless you both Randall and Dr. Kutty.
your friend