Boards part two
Yes the angels desire to look into this glorious gospel of salvation (read 1 Peter 1:12 “things which angels desire to look into” in fact read the entire chapter. We see also that the Old Testament prophets who prophesied these things also searched diligently and carefully concerning the grace of God and all the things that pertained to salvation. Isn’t this a great truth? Getting back to the boards; #1 they were cut from the acacia wood trees. #2 they were clothed or covered, overlaid if you will with gold, indicating the presenc e of Diety. This is the Church.
These trees had to be cut down. In Ex. Chapter 35 verses 30 through 35 we see the call of God on a man by the name of Bezaleel, (and we will have one lesson at least at a later date devoted to him, Lord willing). He was called by God for this great work, and I only mention him to bring forth a point that is pertinent to our study tonight. As we shall see later in our study on the Tabernacle, Bezaleel was a type of the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit at work in our lives that makes us and molds us into the vessels that God wants us to be, molded and shapen in His image.. It was Bezaleel who went out and found the trees and looked them over and tapped them for soundness and measured them to see if they came up to the specific measure that God said they were to be: remember what He said to Moses? “See that you make it according to all that I show you.” Everything had to be like the pattern God had given Moses when he was on the mountain. Every size and every detail no exceptions…no substitutes. And Bezaleel represents the Holy Spirit as He tests the hearts of men and calls them unto Himself. Do you believe this Word tonight?
Can you picture in your mind’s eye Bezaleel walking through the groves of acacia wood trees looking for those trees that could provide a board destined or predestined if you will for a board fit for the Master’s use…fit for a place in the Tabernacle? They all looked knotty and crooked and from the outward appearance not fit for the building of the Tabernacle. But Bezaleel, like only the Spirit can see, could see a board that would fit in the Tabernacle wall. The Spirit tests us for soundness, He measures us for size, He looks at our inner man and says, “cut that one down .” Much work will be required with the axe and saw and adze or whatever they used back there, yes much work before these trees could become logs and further work before they would become boards covered with gold to be fitly framed together in the construction of the Tabernacle. The house of God…today God does not dwell in a temple made with hands but He dwells within those who have been washed in the Blood of the precious Lamb of God.
Continued later
Yes the angels desire to look into this glorious gospel of salvation (read 1 Peter 1:12 “things which angels desire to look into” in fact read the entire chapter. We see also that the Old Testament prophets who prophesied these things also searched diligently and carefully concerning the grace of God and all the things that pertained to salvation. Isn’t this a great truth? Getting back to the boards; #1 they were cut from the acacia wood trees. #2 they were clothed or covered, overlaid if you will with gold, indicating the presenc e of Diety. This is the Church.
These trees had to be cut down. In Ex. Chapter 35 verses 30 through 35 we see the call of God on a man by the name of Bezaleel, (and we will have one lesson at least at a later date devoted to him, Lord willing). He was called by God for this great work, and I only mention him to bring forth a point that is pertinent to our study tonight. As we shall see later in our study on the Tabernacle, Bezaleel was a type of the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit at work in our lives that makes us and molds us into the vessels that God wants us to be, molded and shapen in His image.. It was Bezaleel who went out and found the trees and looked them over and tapped them for soundness and measured them to see if they came up to the specific measure that God said they were to be: remember what He said to Moses? “See that you make it according to all that I show you.” Everything had to be like the pattern God had given Moses when he was on the mountain. Every size and every detail no exceptions…no substitutes. And Bezaleel represents the Holy Spirit as He tests the hearts of men and calls them unto Himself. Do you believe this Word tonight?
Can you picture in your mind’s eye Bezaleel walking through the groves of acacia wood trees looking for those trees that could provide a board destined or predestined if you will for a board fit for the Master’s use…fit for a place in the Tabernacle? They all looked knotty and crooked and from the outward appearance not fit for the building of the Tabernacle. But Bezaleel, like only the Spirit can see, could see a board that would fit in the Tabernacle wall. The Spirit tests us for soundness, He measures us for size, He looks at our inner man and says, “cut that one down .” Much work will be required with the axe and saw and adze or whatever they used back there, yes much work before these trees could become logs and further work before they would become boards covered with gold to be fitly framed together in the construction of the Tabernacle. The house of God…today God does not dwell in a temple made with hands but He dwells within those who have been washed in the Blood of the precious Lamb of God.
Continued later
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